AUS: 1300 654 861 NZ: 0800 102338

Travel Agents

Trans-Siberian Railway

We are mainly a direct sell agency however we are happy to work with proactive agents if you have a client interested in one of our tours.

Benefits of working with us:

You will speak to a consultant who has done the trip. We know what we are talking about and we appreciate that you may not be familiar with the destination.

We are happy to talk directly to your clients on your behalf. If you initiate the contact then the booking remains yours even if we deal directly with your client throughout the booking process.

We are better value than our leading competitors. On a direct comparison basis we are usually cheaper with most Australian wholesalers who offer this product.

We deal with visas. All you do is forward your client’s passports to us along with completed forms for Russia and Mongolia and we do the rest. And we only charge the consular fees; no extra service fees levied!

This is not just a matter of convenience. We take responsibility for these visas – no other wholesaler offers this. If we get it wrong – its our responsibility to fix it.


Feel free to call us on 1300 654 861

Experience the Gratest Rail Journey on Earth

The Trans-Siberian Railway Specialists